Шпионаж - это не профессия, это состояние души.
Once upon a time (Calla: Once upon a velvet blackness!) , there were three brothers, who were separated and sent to different worlds. One was sent to Middle Earth and became the blackest villain the land had ever seen- the dark lord Sauron. The second was sent out into the depths of space and was soon to become the blackest villain space had ever seen- Darth Vader. And the third...well, the third was sent to the Edge and was soon to become the blackest, most blackhearted villain of them all- Orbix Xaxis.

Вывод: прижилась у них моя идейка насчёт Вейдера... ;)

Вторая их новая гипотеза касается непосредственно родственных связей Ксаксиса и Ксанта. Ну их в баню, лучше я буду сиротой!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))